Light and refreshing, this tequila-spiked kombucha is perfect for a summer party. I make this with GTS Synergy Mojito flavored Kombucha. It is loaded with healthy probiotics and macai berry and has no added sugars. I add a small amount of hand crafted El Tesoro...

  Spring is cool and damp and most closely related to kapha dosha. Regardless of your constitution (or dosha), everyone will feel the seasonal influences. You may feel heavy and sluggish and possibly experience sinus congestion or allergies. This light, warming kapha spring tea is perfect...

Light and nutritious, this side dish is also easy to make and tastes great! Serve with couscous, quinoa or fish. This is suitable for summer and fall and is ideal for pitta and vata; kapha can eat in moderation with the addition of some cayenne...