Holidays stressing you out and wreaking havoc on your waistline? Check out these pumpkin pancakes with cranberry relish! Pumpkin is detoxifying and soothes the mind while the cranberries aid digestion. A perfect combination for the holiday season and throughout the fall and winter. These pancakes...

Fresh ginger root puréed with roasted pumpkin makes a healthy, creamy soup that is perfect for fall, winter or spring. Vegan, tridoshic and delicious! This variation is garnished with arugula pesto and for the omnivores, I've added some lobster and shrimp. When cooking for a family or...

  Celebrate the end of the fall harvest (aka pumpkin season) with this Chocolate Pumpkin Chai Latte using Tusli tea. Tulsi (or Holy Basil) is a sacred herb used in ayurveda for its rejuvenative properties. Naturally caffeine-free, it is a tonic for the nerves – perfect...

  Baklava reinvented for fall and health-conscious foodies! This delicious pumpkin-spiced baklava has a rich flavor and texture that will please everyone. I've reduced the butter and sugar, so go ahead and indulge with this healthier version of the traditional Turkish treat. If you haven’t worked with phyllo...