24 Apr One-day ayurveda spring cleanse
Ayurveda is a holistic approach to wellness that incorporates the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. I have created this one-day spring cleanse to help us do a quick mental recharge and physical reset so as to connect back to our natural state of balance.
More details will be provided on the FB Group – The Essential Ayurvedic Cookbook during the Live video on Monday, April 26th at 7:00pm Pacific Time Zone. It’s a private group, so you must request permission to join. When you join the group, you will be able to type your questions real time in the comment section. The recorded event will stay on the timeline for those who are unable to attend live. Feel free to comment on the timeline before, during or after the event with your questions and I will certainly reply.
The following is a summary of what we will discuss:
Cleanse Preparation (1-2 days before):
- Decide if you want to do the cleanse with a friend or solo. Kapha’s especially may find it valuable to have the support of a friend during the cleanse. Whether you choose to be solo or with a companion, please try to limit conversation and focus your attention inward. Meals should always be in silence.
- Choose a day to do your cleanse where you will be able to unplug from everyone (who is not doing the cleanse with you) and everything.
- Review the Kitchari recipe ingredients (p. 122) and purchase any items not in your pantry. The recipe calls for two servings. I recommend doubling the recipe. Purchase enough ingredients to double the recipe, as you will want to have extra servings.
- The night before the cleanse, soak the mung beans.
Day of the cleanse, try to:
- Wake by 6:30am.
- Limit your food intake to the kitchari.
- Sip water throughout the day and have it with your meals (avoid iced water, cold water and any caffeine).
- Drink Tulsi tea with honey if desired.
- Do not turn on electronics.
- Do not go shopping and generally avoid crowds.
- Go to bed by 9:30pm.
Here is a sample schedule for your cleanse day:
6:30am: Wake
- Scrape tongue
- Oil Pulling
- Drink 8 ounces of warm water
- 30 minutes Yoga Asana
- Self-massage
- Prepare the dal
- Meditate
- Shower
11:00am Eat dal
- Exercise in nature
- Free time – journal, restorative yoga, inspirational reading, meditation, prayer
- Tulsi tea with honey
4:30pm: Eat dal
- 15 minute walk after dinner; watch the sunset
- Alternate nostril pranayama
- Meditate
- Massage feet with oil
- Warm bath with lavender and/or rose oil
9:30pm: Good night!
For additional reading on ayurveda cleanses, check out this article. If you found this information helpful, please share with a friend who may also benefit.
Precaution: Ayurvedic cleanses should be done under the supervision of an Ayurveda Practitioner. Ayurvedic cleanses are tailored to the season and individual. They are modified according to an individual’s: current state of health; types of medications/herbs currently in use; medical conditions (i.e., high BP, cholesterol, bi-polar, depression, hypertension, etc.); amount of ama, etc. The information in this article should not be used to diagnosis or treat any health problem. Consult with a healthcare professional before taking any medication, herbs or making dietary changes especially if you are pregnant or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.
Lois Leonhardi is a certified ayurveda wellness practitioner, yoga instructor and author of “The Essential Ayurvedic Cookbook”. She trained under Dr. Lad at the Ayurvedic Institute in New Mexico and in Pune, India. She has over 20 years of training in holistic studies (ayurveda, yoga and meditation). Lighthearted and compassionate, she listens to your concerns and creates realistic personalized programs to help you de-stress, detox and restore balance naturally. Sharing the wisdom of the mind-body connection and how to use food as medicine she reveals the secrets of how to slow the aging process, increase energy and bolster immunity giving you the tools to heal yourself, feel better and look great. www.yogawithlois.com.
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