
30-Day Wellness Transformation 

An exclusive extraordinary wellness experience for transformative change

I believe when given the proper guidance and support, everyone can make permanent positive changes in their lives.  I believe an ayurvedic holistic approach – integrating physical, emotional and spiritual aspects – is the best path to restoring a sense of balance to the body, mind and consciousness. I believe goals are best achieved when you take an active role and a committed mindset.

Your unique mind-body 30-Day Wellness Transformation will slow the aging process so you can lose weight, increase your energy to feel and look your best.

As a C-suite executive and high achiever, you understand the importance of keeping fitphysically, mentally and spiritually. But life’s demands may have left you with little time to take care of yourself.

The 30-day Wellness Transformation is an exclusive opportunity to immerse yourself in a personal transformation of the body, mind and consciousness. Working one-on-one with an expert in the privacy of your residence, you’ll tap into the time-proven anti-aging secrets of yoga and Ayurveda.

This program works because it’s tailored uniquely to you. I take time to listen and understand what’s going on with you and your present situation. After just a few sessions clients will tell me I know more about their lives than their friends and family! This personal connection lets me fine tune and customize your program but it also creates a safe space for you to open up and transform.

The yoga and pranayama sessions will open blocked energetic channels and breathe new life into every cell in your body – you will glow from the inside out. The meditation will clear the clutter in your mind so you can regain your mental edge. Fresh, organic meals customized with Ayurveda rejuvenation recipes will strengthen digestion and shift your taste to healthy cravings. Your body will quickly shed pounds and keep them off as you return to your natural state of balance.

It will be easy and fun.  Your sessions will be positive and upbeat without any judging. I do all the grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning related to the program at your home. Think of the hours you will save in traffic driving to the gym or grocery store and doing these chores.

Enjoy farm-to-table organic meals that are satisfying, delicious and lovingly prepared by your personal chef.  The menu is exciting and diverse. Ayurveda is from India, but the principles can be applied to any cuisine. The food is specifically prepared to your tastes and dietary restrictions (meat, vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy-free, low-glycemic, etc.). We have an extensive conversation prior to starting from which I prepare weekly menus. Your ongoing feedback allows me to tweak the recipes and ensures you will always have satisfying delicious meals.

After 30 days you can expect results that are profound, transformative and lasting. You will feel completely rejuvenated and have created a solid foundation of healthy habits eating real food.  After 30 days of unlimited access to your private Ayurveda expert, you will have cultivated an understanding of the mind-body connection. You will see how food is medicine for the body and meditation is food for the mind. Check out these testimonials from satisfied clients HERE.

This all-inclusive 4-week program is in the privacy of your home. You receive:

    • Wellness Starter Package (a comprehensive personal wellness  assessment)
    • Coaching to nurture healthy habits and release habits that are not serving you (physically, emotionally, spiritually)
    • Access to my expertise throughout the program
    • Meditation and pranayama (yogic concentration and breathing techniques)
    • 4 Sessions per week at your home including:
      • Private yoga, meditation and pranayama class (restorative or vigorous, as per your needs; always gentle on the joints)
      • Ayurvedic brunch & dinner (customized to your dosha; freshly prepared)
    • Package is designed to meet your goals. If weight loss is desired, you may anticipate weight loss of 8-10 pounds per month
    • Copy of “The Essential Ayurvedic Cookbook”

Are you ready for total transformation?

Total investment: $8,000

Call or email today to discuss your needs and schedule your transformation!


Client information is strictly confidential.