Wild Atlantic lobster tail stacked on a vegan garbanzo bean salad makes a light, energizing lunch menu for summer or early fall. The vegan garbanzo bean salad can serve as a meal in and of itself making this menu ideal for guests with varying food...

I couldn't decide if I wanted to make a scone or a cookie and came up with these amazing oatcakes! Very low in sugar, full of heart healthy, gluten-free oats and endless possibilities for variations. I eat them as a snack or for breakfast on...

Rosemary Infused Heirloom Scarlet Runners with Lemon Dressing - recipe from "The Essential Ayurvedic Cookbook" you can purchase at Amazon. Scarlet runner beans (also called Oregon lima bean or ayocote morado in Spanish) are native to Oaxaca, Mexico, and were among the first domesticated crops in Mexico...

Dashi clear broth with gluten-free buckwheat soba noodles. Recipe for the dashi broth in The Essential Ayurvedic Cookbook available at Amazon. Dashi Broth is easy to make and can be stored in the freezer in 2 cup containers, ready to go when you need a quick...

Rice bowls are fun and easy to put together for a quick week night dinner. This bowl has an overall warming and somewhat drying energetic that is perfect for cold, rainy weather. The bowl is vegan/vegetarian, but it could also be made with pan-fried fish for...

Squash blossoms are in season and popping up at farmers markets all over LA. Low in calories, high in calcium, iron, Vitamin A and C, these delicate beauties will add nutrition and sophistication to your summer menus! Look for blossoms with tightly closed buds. They are...

This flavorful chickpea stew is light and warming - perfect for kapha or any dosha during the winter season. Healthy, easy to prepare and budget friendly you and your family will love this ayurveda recipe! Gluten-free, Vegan     (Serves 6) 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 onions, peeled, chopped 2 cloves garlic ½ teaspoon...

  My local co-op market had purple sweet potatoes which I made into a lovely soup. Their purple color comes from anthocyanins (the pigments responsible for the red and purple in cherries, strawberries and purple carrots). Anthocyanins have beneficial health effects (they scavenge cancer-causing free radicals,...

  Served warm,  this tri-doshic salad is suitable for fall. This is a good example of ayurveda food combining and representing the six tastes (sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent). Ingredients are gluten-free, real food: rainbow quinoa, french lentils, pumpkin seeds, escarole, lemon zest, fresh mint and...

Kabocha and okra are abundant in the fall and are ideal for grounding vata. The skin of kabocha is edible, but make sure it is “organic” to avoid pesticide contamination. Serve along with cranberry sauce to add a colorful side-dish to your holiday spread! Serves 4...