Saturdays were made for a short stack of blueberry poppy seed pancakes! This recipe is made from a gluten-free base of flours with flax and poppy seeds for added nutrition and flavor. From an Ayurvedic perspective, these are tri-doshic (balancing to vata, pitta and kapha)...

Are you stressed out? Try this poppy seed tea cake! It’s gluten free and low in sugar so you can enjoy it for breakfast or a guilt-free snack any time of day. Poppy seeds have been used in Ayurveda and other ancient cultures for their many...

Does your morning ritual involve multiple rounds with the snooze alarm button followed by copious amounts of caffeine to turbo charge the day and clear the cobwebs from your brain? Insomnia, or the inability to sleep, can be detrimental to your health and happiness. Sleep is...

Are you seeking a magic elixir to help you look and feel amazing? It's tempting to purchase an herb and throw it in your smoothie because some celebrity or blogger is claiming it will give you super powers, clear your skin, help with menopause or shed...