Does your morning ritual involve multiple rounds with the snooze alarm button followed by copious amounts of caffeine to turbo charge the day and clear the cobwebs from your brain? Insomnia, or the inability to sleep, can be detrimental to your health and happiness. Sleep is...

There's nothing better to calm vata, relieve stress and soothe an anxious mind that a bowl of warm soup. Soup is grounding and healing. I was never a fan of split peas growing up. They are very astringent and drying, which make them more suitable...

Light and smooth, this purée of Swiss Chard and potato will make you want to eat more greens! I'm not a fan of leafy greens as they tend to be too dry and rough for my vata constitution. But Swiss Chard feels less bitter and...

Nothing says Sunday morning like corn muffins! Recipe from The Essential Ayurvedic Cookbook for gluten-free corn bread (recipe makes 7 muffins or one 8" loaf). Corn can have a dry and heating effect on the body - it is great for balancing kapha and is generally...

Dashi clear broth with gluten-free buckwheat soba noodles. Recipe for the dashi broth in The Essential Ayurvedic Cookbook available at Amazon. Dashi Broth is easy to make and can be stored in the freezer in 2 cup containers, ready to go when you need a quick...